Thursday, July 09, 2009

LDSLinkup Email

I haven't blogged about linkup for awhile, mainly because nothing interesting and/or hilarious has happened. Anyway, I got this email today, which made my day and pissed me off all at the same time. Note to reader, this man is from Sweden-just had to mention that because I have a fetish for foreign men.

"I guess I don't really know why I am writing, but I know I would regret if i didn't...
It is not often I see a woman like you!! That you are single is a miracle. You will make someone very happy one day!
Take care"

He makes an excellent point though-WHY AM I SINGLE???? Not, why am I not married, but why don’t I even have a frickin’ boyfriend? It doesn’t make any sense! Ugh!
This is really starting to piss me off.
And I would make someone really happy....bitch!


Leah said...

I love that your single status has been defined as a "miracle"! Hahahaha!! We should broaden our guy horizons....

I don't like to generalize, but all the guys we know are crap.

Allen said...

1. I am so not crap leah that kinda hurt. Okay not really because I am kinda a jerk a lot, but still.

2. Hells yeah you would definately make a great girlfriend/spouse for pretty much every single guy in existance.

3. Guys are pretty much retarded. and I do like to generalize, especially when it comes to my disappointment with the gender I belong to.