Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Is there anything better than a smile?

This may sound weird, but I’ve just learned that smiling at perfect strangers is a great way to flirt. Usually when I see a guy that I’m interested in or think is cute, I avoid all eye contact and do my best “aloof” impression. Obviously I haven’t gotten very far with this tactic, but yesterday I got the attention of two men walking on the street and about four riding on their bikes, just with a simple smile. I’m getting rather good, too good in fact. Have I created a monster? ;D


Meredith said...

i've found great success in ass-grabbing... it's a little more direct and less ambiguous than a smile. since i'm an old maid i can't afford ambiguity!! of course i s'pose that it also depends on your definition of "success" ;)

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