Thursday, April 09, 2009

Douche Bags and Celebrity Quotes

The first guy to ever email me on LDSLinkup, who was dating a current friend of mine at the time (we didn’t know each other then) and many others, emailed me today on Linkup. He sent me the same generic email he sent me almost four years ago.

“You’re gorgeous!”

Yeah, he didn’t remember me….guys are douche bags!

Favorite Celebrity Quote of the Day:

“I felt like I was in 'Mean Girls,' but worse: 'Mean Girls' was a movie." –Lindsay Lohan

I know I should feel bad, ‘cause she was just broken up with and all, but if you’re going to say ridiculous things like that-I can’t! Sorry.

1 comment:

Allen said...

I'm more disappointed in his lack of creativity, I mean anyone with even a blind man can see you are gorgous.

What he should have said was "you make children's hymns sexy." Now THAT is charming. ;)