Thursday, February 04, 2010

Things said this past week that have made me laugh

PH: Cheerio all!
ME: No Priscilla if you want to be taken seriously as a citizen you have to start talking like and American.
PH: Ah, no man! Cheerio, see you in the morning. Goodnight Thomas. Oh, do you say your name in American?
TY: Thomas.
PH:'s the same. I thought it was going to be something weird like "Toe-moss".

ME: Oh look Leah we're driving by so and so's house (name has been omitted for privacy purposes). Hey Blankety Blank!!
Both: F*** you!!! (Flips off building).

ME: So, I saw Cherilyn...she's got some color and her hair is blonder.
MA & PB: Yeah?
ME: Ugh, I was looking at pictures from the summer and I was so much darker then!
PB: Really??
ME: Uh...yeah...
PB: Really?? Your hair gets darker in the sun?
ME: my skin does.

PH: (While playing with my hair) You should wear you hair up more. You have such a lovely neck and you're hiding it behind all this hair.

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